Bild des Studiengangs MBA Innovations-Management

MBA Innovations-Management

Innovations-Management: Innovation is... what you make of it!

The MBA distance learning program in Innovation Management is a continuing education international and part-time course of study. It is aimed at anyone whose interests and range of tasks extend to the management of the design of innovative products, services, business models, and/or organizations. Our students come from all industries and professional fields—regardless of whether they are change agents, engineers, professionals in organizational or human resource development, leaders, consultants, or simply those interested in innovation.

Innovative Distance Learning: Study materials, online learning, in-depth lectures/workshops, international conferences, and more...

The course is modular and follows the blended learning approach. A combination of self-study, online instruction in small groups to deepen the learning content, and information exchange on our learning platform Moodle specifically addresses the different senses and guarantees learning success.

As a graduate, you will have excellent prospects for taking on a wide range of professional tasks in innovation management with the skills you have acquired during your studies.

Innovative People and Organizations: Innovation strategies for the VUCA world, Holacracy, Innovation Scorecard, Agile collaboration and leadership, co-creation, Scrum, sociocracy, and more...

People are at the center of innovation management—strategy formation and leadership principles in innovative companies are based on this. The transformation of companies and workforces to new forms of collaboration is a key driver of innovation in a VUCA world. But it is always about people, and therefore it is also very significant to deal with people as part of an organization that promotes innovation. How do employees learn in an agile company? How do they develop? How do they work together? How do they engage? (Answers to this can be found in Module 22)

Innovative Variety: Open innovation, business model innovation, digital disruption, frugal innovation, IP management, values-based and sustainable innovation management, and more...

After the MBA basics in the first two terms, the specialization term deals with the conscious planning, design, control, and coordination of innovation in companies. The innovation processes (from the generation of innovative ideas, their transformation into concepts, the technical realization of the concepts to the introduction of new products and services in markets) and current facets of innovation management are considered. These are analyzed both in their fundamentals and on the basis of current research and practical findings (in Module 21).

Innovative Ideas Thanks to Innovation Methodology: Design Thinking, TRIZ, Forecasting with scenarios, trends and innovation patterns, Business Model Innovation, and more...

Innovation should not be a matter of chance. Many different methods from simple creativity techniques to approaches of human-centered innovation as well as  complex systematic innovation methods allow the reliable generation of innovative ideas and concepts. Products, services, smart apps, innovative business models, and much more are developed by innovation managers and professionals with such methods. Scenarios and trends offer opportunities for innovation and technology preview—they allow the assessment of innovative concepts and ideas and inspire further innovations (in Module 23).

The distance learning program MBA Innovations-Management is accredited by the AQAS agency.


Course Contents

1. Semester: Basic Studies

Modul 1: Management Framework
  • Holistic Management
  • Business Administration Basics I
  • Business Administration Basics II
  • Traditional Value Chain
  • New Concepts
  • Sustainability in Operational Value Creation Processes Meaning and Interpretation of Innovation
  • Processes and Procedures in Innovation Management
  • Innovation of Products, Processes, Business Models and Organisations
Modul 2: Communication & Soft Skills for Executives
  • Rhetoric for Customer Contact
  • Negotiation and Argumentation Techniques Intercultural Management
  • Methodological Competence
Modul 3: Marketing Strategies and Policies
  • Fundamentals and Strategy I: Market-oriented Management of Marketing and Sales
  • Fundamentals and Strategy II: Strategic Analysis and Strategy Development

2. Semester: Basic Studies

Modul 4: Success and Financially Oriented Corporate Management
  • Management Accounting and Financial Reporting: Cost and Profit Management
  • Financial Management and Controlling
Modul 5: Marketing: Market Research and Customer Management
  • Information Management for Marketing
  • Market Psychology
  • Topic of the Year
  • Case Study Seminar on Marketing
Modul 6: Management: Economics & Quantitative Analyses
  • Economics: Macroeconomics
  • Data Analysis: Statistics

3. Semester: Specialization Innovations-Management

Module 21: Innovation Management in Companies
  • Successfully Designing Innovation Processes
  • Intellectual Property Management - Fundamentals of Law and the Handling of Knowledge, Trade Secrets and Intellectual Property
  • Value-based Innovation Management
  • Digitization and Sustainability as Significant Innovation Characteristics
  • Digital Disruption in Innovation Management
  • Emergence and Development of Innovative Successful Companies - Case Studies
Module 22: Human Aspects of a Corporate Strategy and Culture Promoting Innovation
  • Strategy Development and Implementation to Promote Innovation
  • Understanding Creativity and Developing Leadership Skills that Promote Innovation
  • New Work: Designing Forms of Work that Promote Innovation
Module 23: Methodologies for Systematic Innovation Management
  • Innovation Methodology TRIZ: Innovative Idea Generation and Problem Solving
  • Innovation Methodology DESIGN THINKING: Human Centered Innovation
  • Innovation Preview with Patterns, Trends and Evolutionary Methods

4. Semester: Master Thesis Semester

Module 13: International MasterThesis Seminar (Out-of-Campus)
  • Business and Corporate Ethics
  • International Management
Module 14: Master–Thesis and Colloquium

Course Progression

1. Semester

Module 1-3




2. Semester

Module 4-6




3. Semester



MBA Innovations-Management

Module 21-23




4. Semester Graduation

Module 13 und 14





Adunka, Robert, Dr.-Ing.

  • Managing Director of TRIZ Consulting Group GmbH, TRIZ Master - Practical (No. 97-P)
  • Activities:
  • Lecturer in the MBA Innovation Management

Arnold, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor at Technical University of Central Hesse, Department of Industrial Engineering.

Bartels, Ruth, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, site Zweibrücken in the Department of Business Administration for Information Systems

Evertz, Axel, Dipl.-Ing.

  • Owner and Managing Director "industrieplanung backes, Munich. Engineering office for factory and logistics planning ".

Fremgen, Martina, Dipl. Betriebswirtin (FH)

  • Project Manager "Adult Education" at the institute ed-media e.V. and lecturer in the subject "Business Administration"

Gronauer, Barbara, Diplom-Kulturwissenschaftlerin

  • Self-employed as a management consultant.
  • Activities:
  • Lecturer in MBA Innovation Management

Groß, Peter, Dipl.-Kaufmann

  • Self-employed management consultant and trainer in the areas of strategy development, sales, marketing, communication, team development, leadership and change processes, lecturer at the University of Metz, France.

Grüner, Andreas, Prof.

  • Professor at the University of St. Gallen for Business Administration, especially Finance and Accounting Program management of the Bachelor's degree Major Business Administration, University of St. Gallen.

Martin, Thomas A., Prof. Dr. rer.

  • Professor of Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein in the field of Human Resources Management, teaching areas: Accounting & Controlling and Human Resource Management. Author of distance learning units on finance, controlling and accounting. Professional experience in the automotive industry, media companies and tax consulting.
  • Activities:
  • Lecturer in the MBA Sales Engineer
  • Lecturer in MBA Marketing Management
  • Lecturer in the MBA Motorsport Management
  • Instructor in the MBA Sport Management
  • Instructor in the MBA Innovation Management
  • Subject Committee MBA Distance Learning
  • Examination Committee BW MBA Distance Learning

Maier-Stahl, Christoph M., Dipl.- Päd.

  • Managing Director of KOMQuadrat GmbH, Agency for competence development Training-Coaching-Consulting, partner of GQiB, trainer, lecturer and author.

Piazolo, Marc, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor at the University of Kaiserslautern, site Zweibrücken at the Department of Business Administration for Economics, Money, Credit and Foreign Trade.

Reuter, Bettina, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Logistics and Operational Performance Processes; Scientific director of the institute ed-media e.V .; Program Director of MBA Distance Learning Programs: Motorsport Management, Sales Engineer and Marketing Management.

Ruda, Walter, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor at the University of Kaiserslautern, campus Zweibrücken for business administration, especially finance & controlling and middle class economics. Scientific Director of the Center for Small and Medium-Sized Economy (ZMG). Lecturer in Master's programs at universities in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe and in the ICSB Academy, Washington, D.C. Former longtime supervisory board chairman of the 1. FC Kaiserslautern.

Schnittker, Frank, Dipl.-Ing.

  • Director Intellectual Property Manitowoc Cranes, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
  • Activities:
  • Lecturer in MBA Innovation Management

Schackmann, Patrick, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)

  • Managing Director Institute ed-media e.V.

Thurnes, Christian , Prof. Dr.-Ing.

  • Program Director MBA Innovations-Management
  • Professor at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, specializing in production, logistics and innovation.

Wehler, Marco

  • Marco Wehler, M. Sc., Consulting

Zettler, Dominik, MBA

  • Project Manager CAD Factory Solutions.


Admission Requirements for Individuals with an Academic Degree

  • University degree as Bachelor or equivalent with a grade above average (minimum 2,5 or grade “C”) in a study path including a minimum of 210 ECTS, six theoretical semesters and the qualification for a Masters program. If 210 ECTS are not achieved, a maximum of 30 ECTS from other study programs or work experience can be counted towards for equivalent skills or knowledge.
  • At least one year of work experience after graduation of 1st University degree.
  • *If the final grade is worse than 2.5 or a C grade, the ability for the master's program must be checked. This will be done with a 60 minute aptitude test.

Admission Requirements for Individuals without an Academic Degree

  • The applicants must have a higher education entrance qualification.
  • A professional qualification with two years' work experience, master’s certificate or equivalent. The work experience has to contain sufficient compatibility to be compatible with the chosen course of study.
  • They have to have a chargeable three year work experience.
  • They have to pass the qualifying examination.
  • The qualifying examination requires a written registration and contains a scientific dissertation, an exam, the presentation of the approval work and a suitability interview.

Cost and Registration

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Innovations-Management

  • Total cost of the degree: 8,400.00 €
  • Terms one through four 2,100.00 € each
  • Not included are the university costs and the costs for repeat performances in the amount of 50 €, the expenditure for the master's thesis seminar and a term exceeding fee in the amount of 600 € per term. In the case of repetition of the master's thesis the extra charge will be 550 €.
  • The MBA Motorsport-Management can also be taken as a certificate program or modular.

University Certificate MBA Innovations-Management

  • Term one, two and three each 2,100.00 €
  • All modules of the three terms must be completed to receive the final certificate
  • The student fees are not included.

Individual Modules

  • Module 1: Management Framework 1,000.00 €
  • Module 2: Communication & Soft Skills for Executives (Leadership Positions) 590.00 €
  • Module 3: Marketing Strategies and Policies 545.00 €
  • Module 4: Success and Financially Oriented Corporate Management 1,110.00 €
  • Module 5: Marketing: Market Research and Customer Management 550.00 €
  • Module 6: Management: Economics & Quantitative Analysis 475.00 €
  • Module 21: Innovation Management in Companies 430.00 €
  • Module 22: Human Aspects of a Corporate Strategy and Culture Promoting Innovation 810.00 €
  • Module 23: Methodologies for Systematic Innovation Management 895.00 €

Semester Certificate

  • Certificate Basic I (Moduls 1, 2 and 3) 2,100.00 €
  • Certificate Basic II (Moduls 4, 5 and 6) 2,100.00 €
  • Certificate Specialisation Motorsport-Management (Modules 15 , 16 and 17) 2,100.00 €
  • Please note that in addition to the prices of the certificates, there is also a student contribution of 93.00 €.

Start of Study

  • You can start your studies in October (winter semester) or April (summer semester).


  • The registration is only possible online!
  • The application for admission to distance learning can be obtained from the "Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund" (ZFH) in Koblenz. On the application form, you can indicate whether you would like to complete the entire MBA program or obtain the further education certificate. Registration deadline is July 15th for the winter semester and January 15th for the summer semester.